Young people get a flavour of work at height

We were delighted last week to play host to a group of young people who are currently looking to upskill and improve their job prospects through Kibble‘s Skills Academy ‘Future Ready’ programme.

Kibble plays a key role in providing a safe and stable environment for young people to grow and develop, offering them the chance to learn new skills and gain qualifications that will help them on the road to employment.

Our Director Tony Warren was delivering an International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) course that day and the group were able to see, from a safe distance, how the machines were being operated.

We are also grateful to Chris Smith from PASMA who came along to have a chat about his experience in the access industry, the type of jobs that might use mobile towers, and the importance of safe work at height. Chris was really impressed with the interest from a number of the youngsters who said they would like to pursue work in trades that would require the use of work at height equipment.

Lisa Wardlaw, Head of Skills Academy at Kibble said: “Visiting Highreach Training Services gave our young people on the Future Ready programme, an insight into what it can be like to work with scaffolding and what work is required. It was a great taster session, and our young people found it really interesting. A massive thanks to Tony and his team for welcoming us to Highreach and taking the time to engage with our young people.”